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Salty and Bright

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It has actually been one year since I returned to the US! I absolutely loved my apprentice year at All Souls. I am so thankful to have had the opportunity to be trained and to serve in missions-related ministry full-time, enabling me to grow in knowledge, experience, and confidence. What has become clear to me as a result of the year is that I have a heart for evangelism and for discipleship, as well as a desire to equip people to do both. It’s a blessing that I’m trained as an ESL teacher and I hope to use my teaching and writing skills to equip others. I have a few pieces of writing in progress which I'll post here when ready.

So what is next?

I've been considering the idea of serving long-term in Japan for a while now. I've had multiple conversations with missionaries in the US and in the UK on this topic. Since being home I've also been making progress in Japanese language classes and am now at the "low intermediate" level. I'm currently preparing to go to Japan on a three-week "vision trip" (Sept 28-Oct 16) to help me decide whether to pursue this in the long-term. I'll share more about Japan in the future. Here are my prayer requests and giving info if you're interested!

The year in review

Below in photos and videos is a summary of my year as the World Mission apprentice at All Souls (2015-2016). These are the visuals I used last November when I did a "sharing" at my home church but you won't have the benefit of my oral explanations. (Note: it may take a little while for all the images to load.) To view it in a larger window, click here.

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